Health & Infections
Health: Health according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing of an individual and not just the absence of diseases or infirmity. Also, according to the English dictionary, Health is a state of being free from physical, psychological diseases, illnesses or malfunctions.
Microorganisms: As the name implies, thesy are organisms too small to be seen by the unaided eyes especially the single-celled organisms example bacterium.
Categories of Microorganisms
Microorganisms are broadly grouped into 2 categories based on their effects on the human system:
1. Non harmful (Beneficial) microorganisms
2. Harmful (pathogenic) microorganisms
Microorganism is such a broad topic to discuss and as such, I'll just highlight few important fact and information about it as it concerns the human health.
Some microorganisms which are not pathogenic in their natural environment in the body becomes pathogenic when they move to another body part. Example: E. Coli which is mainly for digestion, becomes a health problem when it gets to the urinary tracts and cause Urinary Tract Infection(UTI).
The pathogenic microorganisms gey themselves established in our bodies and cause diseases when:
- The body's resistance is low.
- The normal microflora in the body is disrupted by anti-biotic therapy.
Habits that lower the body's activities to fight pathogens:
1. Malnutrition and Under nutrition.
2. Alcohol consumption
3. Stress
4. Pollution, etc
Pathogenic microorganisms harm their host by :-
1. Using the host's nutrients for their own growth and reproduction thereby starting or causing the host's tissues to lack nutrients.
2. Destroying the tissue of the affected part of the body.
3. Producing toxins or poisons which affects the functionality of other organs or systems in the body.
Generally, microorganisms weakens the host's immune system and resistance and can cause the host's death if untreated. Below are some common diseases caused by microorganisms:
1. Gonorrhea
2. Tuberculosis
3. Malaria
4. Syphilis
5. Typhoid
6. Hepatitis, etc.
Prevention of Infection from microorganisms
* Practice proper personal hygiene(the most important)
* Dispose off your waste properly.
* Avoid sharing of towel, nail cutter, undies and tooth brush and other personal belongings.
In conclusion, when we all maintain our personal hygienes, it will go a long way to make our environment safer.
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