
Showing posts from April 23, 2021

Things you don't know about Blood pressure, diseases and remedies/advice

   Blood pressure diseases(high blood pressure and low blood pressure) are no longer big words for some many people round the globe but where the problem lies is in understanding the real meaning of those words/terms and their implications for mankind.    Join me on this journey as I break them down for you the way you'll understand it.          High Blood Pressure Before I go on to explain those term, let me explain blood pressure and how to take it measurements. Blood pressure is the pressure of circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels. Simply put, its the force with which blood hits the walls of blood vessels. It is measured in millimeters of mercury(mmHg). The blood pressure is usually expressed in terms of the systolic pressure(maximum pressure during one heartbeat) and diastolic pressure(minimum pressure during 2 heartbeats) in the cardiac cycle. The blood pressure is one of the vital signs that healthcare professionals ...