Osteoporosis simply put is the weakening of the bones. It also means "porous bones". It's a health condition that weakens bones and puts the Individual at higher risk of fracture or other bone-related diseases.


    Osteoporosis develops when bone density decreases. This is majorly due to aging where their is breakdown of bone tissues with the body not producing enough to replace them. This, reducing the bone mass density, making the bones brittle and weak. It usually doesn't have any noticeable symptoms until there is an impact on the affected bone which h may likely result to fracture or irreversible bending.

     Major areas affected by Osteoporosis includes the spines, ribs, joints of the legs, hips, and even wrists.

     Osteoporosis occurs as a result of loss of many bone minerals mainly calcium salts.

Sadly, osteoporosis has no noticeable signs other than during a slight impact of incident like falling down, a fracture may occur. The fractures are likely to occur in the hip, spine or waist which affects the posture (upright standing) and movement of the individual.


RHEMATOID-ARTHRITIS AS A MAJOR RISK FACTOR: Rheumatoid-arthritis is a chronic system illness that affects the joints(bones). It is an autoimmune disease, which means that the immune system of the body which is supposed to fight against invaders turns and starts fighting healthy bone tissues.

   This often leads to inflammation of the area characterised by swelling, tenderness, redness in some instances, and joint pains which may be severe. This leads to damage of the cartilage and other bone structures and subsequent loss of calcium and other bone minerals from bones resulting to Osteoporosis. Hence, Rheumatoid-arthritis is a major risk factor for osteoporosis.

 Some other factors that predisposes people to have Osteoporosis and these factors includes:

1. Steroids: steroids(drugs) especially those taken orally reduces calcium absorbed and increases calcium loss through the the kidneys.

2. Lack of exercise: Exercise encourages bone development and synthesis of calcium which strengthens the bones. Thus lack of exercises will lead to loss of calcium and make the bones weak.

3. Poor diet: Lack of Vitamin D or Calcium in diets, being underweight, lack of fruits and vegetables especially green vegetables, excess intake of caffeine all leads to reduction of bone mass density and osteoporosis may likely occur.

4. Heavy Smoking: Tobacco is injurious to bone health this is because tobacco and related substances are toxic to the bones and lowers testosterone which weakens the bones.

5. Heavy Drinking: This reduces the body's ability to make new bones. Drinking to stupor may also lead to fracture from falling down or missing a step.

6. Family history: Family history of Osteoporosis may predispose an individual to osteoporosis, hence care needs to be taken to avoid the condition. Certain genes make sure that the possibility of developing osteoporosis is transferred to offsprings but early management will avert this.

7. Age: Aged people from 50 yrs and above are at higher risk of developing osteoporosis because at this age, the rate of bone breakdown is higher than bone formation. This results to a decrease in bone mass density.

8. Ethnicity: White people(Europeans and Americans) and Asians are at higher risk of developing Osteoporosis.

9. Height and Weight: People who are over 5ft 7inches and under 125 pounds are at increased risk of developing Osteoporosis.

10. Medical History: a history of bone problems like fracture, arthritis, kidney problems is a major risk factor for Osteoporosis.

11. Menopause: Women who has entered menopause is at higher risk of developing Osteoporosis than women still giving birth. Also, early menopause (45 yrs) will increase the chances of developing Osteoporosis.


There are some things you need to do or start doing to avoid osteoporosis. Those things include:

1. Exercise: exercise builds the muscles and encourages bone development thus, increasing calcium synthesis which in turn strengthens the bones.

2. Balanced diets: Eating foods rich in calcium and other bone minerals will greatly improve bone strength. Vitamin D is also very essential for bone strength. The recommended amount of calcium intake is as follows: 19yrs and above - 1000mg of calcium per day; 51 yrs and above - 1200mg of calcium per day.

3. Quit smoking and drinking: Since smoking and excessive drinking is toxic to the bones, it's only wise to stop smoking and reduce your alcohol intake.

4. Checking of family history: if there's a family of Osteoporosis, it's wise to start taking actions to prevent it such as reduced alcohol intake, no.smoking, exercise, improved diet.

5. Supplements: Taking calcium supplements is a wise thing to do in order to make up for the deficiency in the bones. Also intake of other minerals like potassium is also nice.

Do well to take care of your bones. Remember without  healthy bones, you won't be able to stand or pursue any goals.

Look out for your BONE HEALTH.

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