Home remedy for indigestion and stomach troubles
If you have ever had constipation, indigestion, or stomach troubles, you'll agree with me that you never want to experience that again. Why?? Because it makes you uncomfortable, irritated, and easily upset. That feeling is not what you would want to experience again.
Before I go ahead to show you tested and proven home remedies for constipation, and other stomach troubles surrounding around indigestion, let me Define or explain the word ''constipation".
Constipation: This is the general word used to explain the problems related to stomach troubles vis-a-viz indigestion, over eating, wrong combination of foods, incompatibility of foods.
So, let me give you some signs and experiences you may experience to know that you're having constipation.
1. Stiff and Enlarged Abdomen.
2. Feeling of heaviness in your abdomen.
3. Indigestion for more than 5 hours after eating.
4. Stomach disturbance in form of sounds inside the stomach, or irritation in the abdomen.
5. Constant farting(either odourless farts or farts with disgusting odours).
These common signs are indications of constipation.
Let's get something clear, constipation is a natural cause which can happen to anyone.
In fact, about 3 persons out of 10 experience constipation every 2 days.
Now, for those of us who hate drugs, let me show you proven home remedies that works like magic.
1. Ginger:
Ginger is a naturally growing plant(rhizome) whose medical benefits are numerous to be overemphasized.
One of its many benefits is its healing ability for constipation and general indigestion.
How to use Ginger to treat constipation:
A. You can chew the ginger rhizomes as much as you can and swallow both the liquid extract and the fibre left in your mouth.
Although it is peppery, the ginger takes not less than 30 to start work once it enters your stomach. However, the time it will take depends on the amount of ginger rhizomes you chew.
NOTE: Before chewing, Scrape the surface of the ginger to reveal the yellowish surface which when tasted in the tongue, is pepperish.
B. If for any reason you can not chew the ginger rhizomes, you can either pound the ginger rhizomes in mortar and then squeeze the pounded ginger and drink the liquid extract and chew the fibre(if you want) or you can blender the ginger in a blender(cut into very small pieces that the blender can work on) and drink everything afterwards.
2. Hot water
As funny as this may sound, drinking hot or warm water really helps to treat constipation and indigestion.
A cup or glass of hot water or warm water can help in such situations.
Taking liquids especially water helps in indigestion. Remember that water is a natural solvent.
3. Eat high fibre fruits.
In previous posts, it was stated that some fruits are very helpful in treating constipation. This is due to their high fibre content.
Fibres act as roughages in our stomach to aid digestion. So next time you have constipation, look for these fruits and eat.
They include:
- Bananas
- Oranges and other Citrus fruits
- Avocado Pear
- Berries
Also, eating cereals will help in digestion.
4. Exercise
Engaging in less stressful exercises helps in gut movement and aids digestion hence prevents constipation or indigestion.
When you experience constipation or indigestion, try exercising yourself.
Some of the recommended exercises includes: walking, Stretching, etc.
These four home remedies have been tried and proven to help treat constipation, indigestion and other abdominal disturbances.
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Your Comments are also very much appreciated.
See you in the next post.
If you have ever had constipation, indigestion, or stomach troubles, you'll agree with me that you never want to experience that again. Why?? Because it makes you uncomfortable, irritated, and easily upset. That feeling is not what you would want to experience again.
Before I go ahead to show you tested and proven home remedies for constipation, and other stomach troubles surrounding around indigestion, let me Define or explain the word ''constipation".
Constipation: This is the general word used to explain the problems related to stomach troubles vis-a-viz indigestion, over eating, wrong combination of foods, incompatibility of foods.
So, let me give you some signs and experiences you may experience to know that you're having constipation.
1. Stiff and Enlarged Abdomen.
2. Feeling of heaviness in your abdomen.
3. Indigestion for more than 5 hours after eating.
4. Stomach disturbance in form of sounds inside the stomach, or irritation in the abdomen.
5. Constant farting(either odourless farts or farts with disgusting odours).
These common signs are indications of constipation.
Let's get something clear, constipation is a natural cause which can happen to anyone.
In fact, about 3 persons out of 10 experience constipation every 2 days.
Now, for those of us who hate drugs, let me show you proven home remedies that works like magic.
1. Ginger:
Ginger is a naturally growing plant(rhizome) whose medical benefits are numerous to be overemphasized.
One of its many benefits is its healing ability for constipation and general indigestion.
How to use Ginger to treat constipation:
A. You can chew the ginger rhizomes as much as you can and swallow both the liquid extract and the fibre left in your mouth.
Although it is peppery, the ginger takes not less than 30 to start work once it enters your stomach. However, the time it will take depends on the amount of ginger rhizomes you chew.
NOTE: Before chewing, Scrape the surface of the ginger to reveal the yellowish surface which when tasted in the tongue, is pepperish.
B. If for any reason you can not chew the ginger rhizomes, you can either pound the ginger rhizomes in mortar and then squeeze the pounded ginger and drink the liquid extract and chew the fibre(if you want) or you can blender the ginger in a blender(cut into very small pieces that the blender can work on) and drink everything afterwards.
2. Hot water
As funny as this may sound, drinking hot or warm water really helps to treat constipation and indigestion.
A cup or glass of hot water or warm water can help in such situations.
Taking liquids especially water helps in indigestion. Remember that water is a natural solvent.
3. Eat high fibre fruits.
In previous posts, it was stated that some fruits are very helpful in treating constipation. This is due to their high fibre content.
Fibres act as roughages in our stomach to aid digestion. So next time you have constipation, look for these fruits and eat.
They include:
- Bananas
- Oranges and other Citrus fruits
- Avocado Pear
- Berries
Also, eating cereals will help in digestion.
4. Exercise
Engaging in less stressful exercises helps in gut movement and aids digestion hence prevents constipation or indigestion.
When you experience constipation or indigestion, try exercising yourself.
Some of the recommended exercises includes: walking, Stretching, etc.
These four home remedies have been tried and proven to help treat constipation, indigestion and other abdominal disturbances.
Questions will be attended to.
Your Comments are also very much appreciated.
See you in the next post.